Everyone has a special assignment from God, but few realize it.

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Experience the energy that comes with greater purpose and deeper meaning every day with a Younique LifePlan

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Craig Cheney Pastor of Strategy and Leadership Development, Heartland Church, Kansas City, KS
"Younique is delivering beyond what we could imagine. Our people are living with freedom and leading with focus because of personal clarity. The breakthrough process is transforming our people, our leadership dynamics, and the DNA of our church culture. We use the personal Vision Frame and language from the Younique toolbox every day."
Caleb Panter Executive minister, Campus Church of Christ, Atlanta, GA
"We believe training is vital to our future, and Younique is the first step. We are using Younique as our foundational training for missional communities as we train hundreds to launch thousands to fulfill our mission: living the adventure-filled good life in Jesus every day."
Dr. Jody Ray Senior Pastor, Mt. Bethel Church, Marietta, GA
"One year after installing Younique in our congregation, it has been extraordinarily transformational for our church family. The Younique experience is now the foundation of our discipleship strategy."
David Loveless Pastor of Disciple and Leadership Initiatives, First Baptist Orlando, Orlando, FL
"A sleeping giant is slowly awakening as our people understand and live out their personal calling in community. Younique has become central to our discipleship culture."
Scott Kindig Pastor of Kingdom Initiatives, Community Bible Church, San Antonio, TX
"It’s amazing to watch a room full of people discover their special calling and put it to work almost instantly. In just a few months we will have more than one thousand people involved with Younique."
Younique’s LifePlan Toolbox - Free Resources
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Get a copy of Will Mancini's
Clarity Spiral book
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