Elaine Friedrich
Going through the Younique Journey experience has given me more clarity in my life than any other process in which I have had the opportunity to participate. Regardless what roles I have had either personally or professionally, I can see my two-word calling demonstrated throughout my life: Cultivating Transformation.
Now that I have clarity in my calling, every day I make decisions, determine choices, and schedule my time according to these two words. As I look at a day, a week, a month, or even a year, I continually ask myself, “Is this action or activity cultivating transformation in my life or the lives of others?” If it’s not, “why am I doing it?”
As I think about the 20-30 years that I have left to serve Jesus, I want each day to be fully engaged with my calling. I want to serve others through the exercising of my gifts and talents. I want to maximize the impact I have on the world.
Won’t you join me as you live into your calling?