
90-Day Goal: Day 10: Stay Motivated by Vision

Will Mancini
January 12, 2021

We hit double digits—day 10! As we continue on our way, it is so important to stay motivated. If at this point you are feeling like this is too much work and not worth the effort, then I encourage you to go back to the moment you named this 90-Day Goal.

Why did you pick this goal? There is a reason that you embarked on this adventure and decided to name this goal for this season in your life.

Tip 10: Stay Motivated by Vision.

The vision of yourself having completed this 90-Day Goal in only a few weeks from now should give you motivation to keep going. Picture yourself at the end of these 90 days. How will it feel and what will be possible because you crushed it. If you don’t reach the goal, then what will be lost and no longer possible?

We all get worn down by tasks and responsibilities. In order to stay motivated, tap into the person you know that you can be and accomplish what you want to accomplish. Write it down, draw it as a picture, keep it in front of you throughout this 90-Day Goal Together.  

Allow vision to propel you forward as you reach your goal. 

Please send me your questions, challenges, and suggestions as we continue in the 90-Day Goal Together. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing the journey with you. 

Will Mancini

Co-Founder. Will is a pastor who became a full-time vision coach to ministry leaders early in his vocational journey. He loves to design process and tools to produce stunning clarity and break-thru the new normal. He is the founder of Auxano, a nationally based, non-profit church consulting group and the author of Church Unique and God Dreams.