Creator & Co-Founder
Will Mancini
Will began designing Younique in 2014 while working full-time as church consultant. He published Younique, Designing the Life that God Dreamed for You, in January of 2020. In addition to his work with a handful of church teams every year, Will serves as an executive coach to pastors providing 1:1 Younique LifePlans and certification.
Email: [email protected]

Creator & Co-Founder
Will Mancini
Will began designing Younique in 2014 while working full-time as church consultant. He published Younique, Designing the Life that God Dreamed for You, in January of 2020. In addition to his work with a handful of church teams every year, Will serves as an executive coach to pastors providing 1:1 Younique LifePlans and certification.
Email: [email protected]

David Rhodes
Dave guides church leaders and teams through processes to help them understand and articulate their God-given potential and make God-inspired plans to live it out. Dave is available for 1:1 coaching with pastors and other church leaders, facilitating church strategy development processes, and delivering compelling communication that fosters deep transformation.
Email: [email protected]

Executive Director
Kimber Liu
The Younique process revolutionized my life in 2017. Since then, I’ve been leading others through the process of naming their LifeCall and creating an achievable plan to live out their special calling to the fullest. I’ve also integrated Younique into the discipleship and leadership development pathways in my local church with astounding results. I coach leaders, train new Younique Coaches, and help churches activate disciple-making energy that works. Let’s chat!
Email: [email protected]

Customer Service Director
Andrea Breeden
Andrea’s Two Words: Unlocking Freedomd
Email: [email protected]

Diane Hakes
Diane loves stewarding the mission of individuals and organizations by unlocking and unleashing potential for Kingdom impact. She does this through coaching, training, and consulting the Body of Christ in developing disciple making strategies. A coach/trainer in both Younique and APEST, Diane leads teams in strategic processes through retreats, trainings, cohorts, and uniquely designed methods to steward the mission God placed within them to go and make disciples.
Email: [email protected]

Paco Garcia
I want to keep teaching Spanish speaking Younique equippers. Have already a model set in place.
Email: [email protected]

Creator & Co-Founder
Will Mancini
Will began designing Younique in 2014 while working full-time as church consultant. He published Younique, Designing the Life that God Dreamed for You, in January of 2020. In addition to his work with a handful of church teams every year, Will serves as an executive coach to pastors providing 1:1 Younique LifePlans and certification.
Email: [email protected]

Tami Allen
I lead cohorts and accelerators, and I train coaches at First Light Church in the Dayton, Ohio area.
Email: [email protected]

David Bowman
I am a Younique Founding Master Trainer who loves training new Younique coaches. I enjoy facilitating Accelerators and 1:1 LifePlans. My two words are Maximizing Dreams and my LifeCall is helping people live better lives than they dreamed possible.
Email: [email protected]

Tania Brown
Tania is a Certified Younique Coach who teaches women how to take their calling from a fuzzy idea to a defined reality. She then uses her two decades of personal finance experience to help break down the defined reality into a step-by-step financial plan to help women transition into their calling. If you’d like to learn more, I’d love to talk to you!!
Email: [email protected]

Bob Bumgarner
Bob is the Lead Mission Strategist of First Coast Churches Network. He uses Younique resources to help pastors and staff members clarify their calling. He also uses the Younique Student version with college students.
Email: [email protected]

Jamye Cappadonna
After participating in Younique in 2018, Jamye realized that she needed to make changes to align her life with the things that were most important to her. In 2020 she retired from her role as Executive Pastor, a position she held for 25 years, and now enjoys coaching others through the Younique process. She has led weekly cohorts, in person and via Zoom, as well as 4 day Accelerators and also enjoys leading the abbreviated Primer version of Younique.
Email: [email protected]

Chris Causey
I have a passion for providing breakthrough clarity for individuals, groups, and organizations. I love working with others to help them discover and execute their purpose, whether in the area of intentional life planning or at the organizational level with mission and strategy.

Brian Cohen
Productivity coaching and business consulting using the Younique Life Design Process. Specialize in small business, self-employed, missional business, startup/planting/pioneering.
Email: [email protected]

Jay Cull
Jay’s a former church planter, businessman turned pastor, coach and consultant. He enjoys the outdoors, especially biking, hiking and skiing, with his family – wife of 24 years and 3 adventurous children. Younique introduced Jay to the power of singularity. Focus on THE few important things has accelerated the advance of his future in a lightweight way. Jay’s passionate about coaching leaders to win with their lives through the Younique process and helping their communities win as well.
Email: [email protected]

Jessie Cruickshank
Jessie serves the body of Christ as a neuro-ecclesiologist through consulting—equipping lay-leaders as disciple-makers, nurturing team development, and leveraging organizational psychology to produce healthy churches. Through biblical praxis and an understanding of human development, we can create organizations that better facilitate discipleship. Jessie will also be learning how to develop the next generation of church planters and disciple-makers.
Email: [email protected]

Dennis Easter
Extensive experience as a pastor, coach, and consultant in partnering with leaders and organizations to discover and live into their unique kingdom contribution.
Email: [email protected]

Wendy Eavenson
As a former Business Executive and longterm Presbyterian Church Elder and volunteer/worker, I am honored to Coach Cohorts or Individuals through the beautiful assessments, tools and full life planning methodologies of Life Younique. Coaching can follow the full Younique Journeys 1, 2 and 90-Day Launch as well as The Primer – and, as frequently done, a customized version from any materials as best meets the needs of the requests. Locations: In the Atlanta area in-person at your church or firm or 1:1 OR via ZOOM across time zones.

Andrew Estes
It’s my privilege to serve Christ followers by offering Younique Life Coaching for everyone from CEOs to stay-at-home parents. I have experience in one-on-one coaching, large group accelerators, and online cohorts. I also have the privilege of leading churches, church planters, and organizations in the clarity found in the Vision Frame.
Email: [email protected]

Elaine Friedrich
Helping individuals discover God’s calling and purpose for their lives is one of my greatest joys! I coach others and guide them to discover, design, and deploy their Christ-centered mission in life.
Email: [email protected]

Tom Friedrichs
Tom is passionate about catalyzing God’s shalom in and through the lives of Christian Leaders. He does at Alongside Ministries ( through 1;1 coaching, church consulting, and offering retreat for Christian Leaders at Broom Tree Landing in Virginia. He would love to use his 30+ years of ministry experience and coaching skills to help you discover and align with the life God dreams for you!
Email: [email protected]

Paco Garcia
I want to keep teaching Spanish speaking Younique equippers. Have already a model set in place.
Email: [email protected]

Diane Hakes
Diane loves stewarding the mission of individuals and organizations by unlocking and unleashing potential for Kingdom impact. She does this through coaching, training, and consulting the Body of Christ in developing disciple making strategies. A coach/trainer in both Younique and APEST, Diane leads teams in strategic processes through retreats, trainings, cohorts, and uniquely designed methods to steward the mission God placed within them to go and make disciples.
Email: [email protected]

Todd Hakes
From my work as an auditor in a Fortune 500 corporation to my career in construction and now in my mechanical work, I’m always solving problems to help people through vision and inspiration. I also love to have fun and that’s why I offer a unique experience of coaching on a cruise. My wife, Diane, and I will help you to Seas Your Future while sailing to an amazing destination! Connect with me to find out more!
Email: [email protected]

Cory Hartman
Cory has collaboratively written multiple books on church leadership, including “Future Church: Seven Laws of Real Church Growth,” and co-designed consulting and training processes with the Future Church Co. He previously served for 13 years as a pastor. His 2015 DMin thesis (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) was on 19th-century educator, revivalist, publisher, and abolitionist Mansfield French, entitled “The Useful Life of Mansfield French: A Model of Multivocational Ministry.”

Jeremy Horton
With 15 years of ministry and leadership experience in small (500 or less) and large (3000+) churches, two start-up for-profit companies, and serving on multiple international non-profit boards — my joy is to help bring clarity and focus from chaos. With certifications in Insights Assessment, Predictive Index, and Master Trainer Certification in Younique tools, I hope to bring clarity by utilizing the right tools to get breakthroughs for you and/or your team for the next chapter God has for you. You don’t have to remain in the swirl of the unknown; take the next step of faith towards clarity, and let’s see what God might do!
Email: [email protected]

Jacob Hoyer
Jacob is an ordained minister, church planter, and bi-vocational pastor. Jacob works with churches and individuals throughout the country to inspire hope by unlocking God-given potential for a more focused future.

Sarah Jacobson
Whether it’s for herself or for others, Sarah’s life call is igniting action. After 20 years working in the field of education as a teacher and school administrator, she now loves teaching others how to use the Younique framework to discern their own life call. Sarah lives in Colorado with her husband, Joel, and their two boys where she owns an online coaching company, helping new entrepreneurs launch their business.
Email: [email protected]

Kelly Kannwischer
Kelly invests in leaders and teams as a Certified Coach, Insights Discovery practitioner (, and organizational consultant. Kelly also specializes in supporting healthy and effective boards through consultation, board development and retreat facilitation. Kelly can provide 1:1 coaching, team development experiences, and ongoing organizational leadership consulting.
Email: [email protected]

Karl Koemmpel
I exist to energize others to adore Jesus more! I help lead regular cohorts in Waco, facilitate 1:1 retreats, and dream of empowering a creative movement here! My Two words are Galvanizing Restoration, and am passionate about empowering leaders and organizations to live a life of continual renewal.
Email: [email protected]

Gerry Lewis
I guide explorers to discover their Amazing–amazed by God and joining Him in His amazing activity in the world. Your life and your story matter.
Email: [email protected]

David Loveless
David is a relational & leadership coach, pastor to pastors, and strategic & spiritual advisor to churches and businesses. He’s done this in over 50 countries. He pastored one of the most influential churches in America, as well as represented The Willow Creek Association, in coaching some of the key church leaders in the world. He’s currently the Executive Director of Campuses & Leadership Development at First Baptist Church Orlando. David and Caron have three adult sons and eight grandkids and they enjoy hiking, kayaking, biking, and traveling together. They live in Winter Garden, Florida.
Email: [email protected]

Daniel McSwain
Daniel McSwain, a Cincinnati native, exists to Inspire Possibilities. He has led leaders from all areas of life, non-profit, church, marketplace as individuals & groups through Younique. I love to help people navigate uncertainties, articulate their calling and launch movements.
Email: [email protected]

Caleb Panter
Caleb’s life call is to motivate people to be courageous: one moment at a time. He aspires to raise up a generation of Christ-like leaders who have a clear sense of direction and calling that live bold, courageous, wholehearted, integrated, intentional lives. He is available for 1:1 retreats, team development experiences, and local church consulting.
Email: [email protected]

Chris Reinolds
Chris works with local networks/associations across the country, guiding them to greater kingdom effectiveness. There are far too many communities in need of a synergistic gospel work in their context comprised of churches serving together; local networks/associations are the answer to that vital need. He will continue helping bring greater clarity and continuity to these essential teams, drawing on his years of experience in local church and network leadership.
Email: [email protected]

Douglas Rumford
The Lord has called me to equip people to experience Christ’s abundant life through spiritual vitality and intentionally living. I am a Certified Coach, Trainer and Master Trainer in Younique, as well as author of “SoulShaping: From Soul Neglect to Spiritual Vitality,” and “SoulShaping Journal.”
Email: [email protected]

Raid Safadi
Shaped by God’s grace and Younique training, overcame severe persecution in Jordan, rebuilding his life. His two words: empowering pastors. His life call is igniting passion, amplifying opportunities, and vitalizing missions among Arabs.
Email: [email protected]

Danny Schulz
My wife Jamie and I offer Younique Accelerators specifically designed for pastors who want to Colead their churches together. We’d be open to leading accelerators in other contexts as well. We are actively multiplying Younique small groups in our church in Spokane, WA (Sun City Church).
Email: [email protected]

Heather Stacey
I have 5 years of experience coaching individuals, cohorts and teams utilizing the Younique process, both virtually and in-person. I enjoy helping people of all ages clarify and walk in their God-designed purpose as they become the whole person God made and redeemed them to be, grounded in the rich truths of the gospel.
Email: [email protected]

Shane Stacey
Shane lives out his calling to help individuals and teams actualize their dreams for tomorrow by courageously aligning their next steps today. Shane is available for training, coaching, and consulting in the areas of personal calling, building disciple-making cultures, visionary planning, and network design.
Email: [email protected]

Carolyn Sigg
As a Certified Younique Life Design Coach, Carolyn provides coaching and guidance for both individuals and groups in a church or non-profit context. With a heart for Nurturing Wholeness, Carolyn really enjoys helping clients to discover their personal God-given call and delivering tools that equip them to live that out with integrity and passion.

Ray Strickland
Enhance your internship so you grow in Christ exponentially. Grow closer to God, go deeper in your calling, and gain more confidence living out your faith while getting a professional internship in your field of study.

Dale Swanson
I have led the Younique experience as a coach for our church staff and for leaders in our denomination. If you would like help bringing Younique to your church or to leaders in California, I would love to help.

John Thielepape
I offer the opportunity to clarify and illuminate the path that God has called you to follow. You will understand how your occupation fits into your vocation (calling) to engage your community and the world in God’s service.
Email: [email protected]

Brian Upshaw
Brian’s 2 words: Orchestrating Futures. Brian is a certified Younique Master Trainer available for leading the full Younique Process, one-on-one retreats, and training coaches. As a denominational leader, pastor, design coach, and educator, Brian has logged thousands of hours helping people name and aim their life call with purpose and clarity.
Email: [email protected]

Steve Wells
My two words are “Challenging Minds” and I work to help people think differently about who God made them to be. I live in Holland, MI and I’m able to travel to serve a church or do Younique remotely.
Email: [email protected]

Marcy Whitcomb
My name is Marcy and I am a child of God called to help people find their God size dream through discipleship. I would love to help you through this journey using tools to help you see yourself as God sees you. I am Loving Authentically everyday.
Email: [email protected]

Cliff Whitmore
Available for facilitating the Younique content in the North Alabama area.
Email: [email protected]

Gregg Zackary
My two words are RESTORING HOPE. I exist to honor God and help people by nurturing and guiding people and families, leaders and ministries to grow and triumph through life’s ups and downs.
Email: [email protected]