
90-Day Goal: Day 3: Name the Win

Will Mancini
January 5, 2021

What makes today a win?

The answer to this question may or may not relate directly to your 90-Day Goal. For example, you may need to accompany a family member to a doctor appointment. You may need to meet a repairman at the house for a critical repair. It may be a project at work that needs attention because others on the team are waiting for you and can’t move forward until you do your part. 

If your “win” today is related to your 90-Day Goal, then enjoy the satisfaction of moving your goal forward. That’s a great feeling!  

Not all 90-day goals require attention or activity each and every day, so your “win” may not be directly related to your goal. For example, if your 90 Day Goal is to apply for college then you may not need to work on applications each and every day. But your “win” today may relate to a course you are taking now and finishing strong, recruiting individuals who can write you a recommendation letter, or spending time with friends and family before you launch into a new chapter in your life. If your 90-Day Goal is to run a half marathon, then you may not be running today. Today may be a rest and recover day so you can go the distance. Today’s win may be related to a project at work or a family commitment that keeps your relationships whole and nurtured while you pursue your goal. 

Tip 3: Name the Win

There are two keys to naming your win. See below.

#1 – A doable task. Name something that is doable in the time you have available and with the energy you have today. Most likely this will not depend on others, but is within your ability to make it happen.   

#2 – The win has to support your 90-Day Goal either directly or indirectly.  In other words, don’t set new goals by thinking about the day’s “win” as a separate goal. The win must make your 90-Day Goal more possible and move you forward towards its accomplishment in one way or another. In all likelihood you will get to the end of the day and not everything you hoped and dreamed to do will be checked off the list. That’s okay. Because you defined the win with a doable task that fuels your 90-Day Goal, you will feel good about the day and what remains is an opportunity for tomorrow. 

Please send me your questions, challenges, and suggestions as we continue in the 90-Day Goal Together. Look forward to hearing from you and sharing the journey with you. 

Will Mancini

Co-Founder. Will is a pastor who became a full-time vision coach to ministry leaders early in his vocational journey. He loves to design process and tools to produce stunning clarity and break-thru the new normal. He is the founder of Auxano, a nationally based, non-profit church consulting group and the author of Church Unique and God Dreams.