
90-Day Goal: Day 37: Celebrate Thriving

Will Mancini
February 8, 2021

Using the Psalms as a biblical model to define success, we measure our relationship with the Lord and practice sharing life with him regardless of our circumstances. 

Understanding the Three Postures of Life Present in the Psalms

Old Testament scholar, Walter Brueggemann, in his classic book Spirituality of the Psalms helps us appreciate the Psalms as inspiration for pursuing God in all circumstances. He sees three postures of life represented—orientation, reorientation and disorientation. At Younique we call it thriving, reviving, and surviving. 

At this stage of your 90-Day Goal, how are you feeling today? What is happening in your life right now and how does it influence the work you are doing to crush your goal? How can you invite God into the work you are doing to fulfill your calling and stay on track? 

Tip 37: Recognize and Celebrate Thriving

When you find yourself in a season in which you are thriving—celebrate! Give God thanks and praise him for his provision. We don’t want to take for granted, or worse think we deserved, to be in a season of thriving. Rather, we sing his praise and give him praise. 

Psalms of thriving that I like because they speak to our story, considering our past and how it is influencing our present, include Psalms 8, 105-106, 135, and 136. 

Remember that we can be thriving in one area of our lives, such as work, but barely surviving in another, such as health. It is important to allow these to exist at the same time in our story, celebrating thriving where it does exist. We don’t want the thriving to be eclipsed by the challenges and hard stuff that also exists in our living.

Will Mancini

Co-Founder. Will is a pastor who became a full-time vision coach to ministry leaders early in his vocational journey. He loves to design process and tools to produce stunning clarity and break-thru the new normal. He is the founder of Auxano, a nationally based, non-profit church consulting group and the author of Church Unique and God Dreams.