We all fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). The good news of the gospel is that we are forgiven freely by the grace offered to us in Jesus Christ. No one is perfect and life happens! Expect that on your way to successfully crushing your 90-Day Goal that there will be days in which it doesn’t get done.
Tip 48: Slips Happen.
A slip is not failure. A slip is not a reason to abandon your goal completely and give up. A slip is not fatal. A slip is just that, a momentary setback that can and will be overcome. Have grace with yourself and don’t let a little slip derail your whole effort.
Expect the slips so they don’t scare you or create space for the devil to sneak in and tell you lies about yourself. While we work hard to remove the elements in our lives that can get us off track, which we have been addressing throughout this 90-Day Goal Together, we know that there will be a moment here or there when it doesn’t all go to plan. Decide now how to handle a slip and may it be with grace! You don’t need to start over but you do need to get back on track.
Slip, fall, get back up, and keep going. Be motivated by your ability to overcome and the finish line will be sweeter for it.
Please send me your questions, challenges, and suggestions as we continue in the 90-Day Goal Together. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing the journey with you.
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