
90-Day Goal: Day 57: God Remembers You

Will Mancini
February 28, 2021

Welcome to week nine! You are crushing your 90-Day Goal as we, together, approach the final third of this adventure together. The theme of this week is “remember.” 

Maybe you are feeling great, on target, making progress and enjoying a deep sense of satisfaction. Or maybe you are struggling and wondering if you are going to make it through this week or even this day, much less the whole 90 days. Or maybe you are somewhere in between.  

Over the course of this time together I have been offering you encouragement with tips and insights from psychologists and social scientists on how to crush your 90-Day Goal. By building great habits, setting the right goals, and understanding the balance between our rational and emotional selves, we can increase both the chances and the enjoyment of crushing our 90-Day Goal. 

This week I want to lean into something more powerful than all the science we can muster and that is the faithfulness of God. This week we are going to look at the “remember” commands and moments in the Bible and lean into the reality that our success always begins with God’s faithfulness to us.

Tip 57: God Remembers You.

Here at Younique we claim Ephesisans 2:10 as the inspiration for gospel-centered life design. Paul reminds us as followers of Jesus that we are God’s masterpiece. The greek word is poema from which we get the word poem. 

Remember you are a work of art, a one-of-a-kind cherished creation. God made you. God is with you. God is near. 

From the beginning of God’s story with us in the Bible, God remembers us and demonstrates his faithfulness to us. We are never alone, never apart from God’s thoughts and attention. In Genesis 8 we experience the culmination of Noah’s story. 

Noah is out on the water, floating along, the flood and days following have dragged on for what historians and scholars believe was at least three months and could have been as long as a year. Regardless it was likely tiring and scary. 

And then scripture says, “God remembered Noah.”

The Hebrew word for “remember” is Zacahr. The word is less about forgetting and more about acknowledging. It’s not that God forgot about Noah and all of a sudden remembered him.  Rather, God acknowledged Noah’s faithfulness.  God turned toward Noah. God shone his face upon Noah during his trial. 

What is the storm or flood in your life? Do you feel forgotten and alone out at sea? If so, then lean into this promise of God. You are remembered. You are not alone. 

God has never forgotten you. As you work hard and struggle through, God turns his face toward you. 

You are God’s poem, his masterpiece. You were created in advance for good works. Your 90-Day Goal in one way or another is bringing you closer to Jesus and to that ultimate contribution you are destined to make to the Kingdom. 

God is with you. God acknowledges you. God remembers you.

Please send me your questions, challenges, and suggestions as we continue in the 90-Day Goal Together. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing the journey with you. 

Check out our YouTube playlist with daily videos to help you crush your next personal goal.

Will Mancini

Co-Founder. Will is a pastor who became a full-time vision coach to ministry leaders early in his vocational journey. He loves to design process and tools to produce stunning clarity and break-thru the new normal. He is the founder of Auxano, a nationally based, non-profit church consulting group and the author of Church Unique and God Dreams.