We are designed to work. God designed us in his image and the first thing that we learn about God in Genesis is that God works. God designs and creates the world. He works and then appreciates his work at the end of the day, calling it good. God is a designer who produces.
In Western culture we are more influenced by the Greek notion of creation that believed that the things of this world are less valuable and important than ideals and thoughts. The Greeks believed that the highest order of value was in the ability to think, conceive and appreciate beauty. The body and the creation got in the way of this higher order of being. Therefore the work of cooking, cleaning, and building was left to the lower classes.
We can fall prey to the notion that leisure and release from work is what we should aspire to as we get educated, make money, and move toward retirement. But this is not the image of work and rest that we receive from God in his word.
Tip 65: Work is Our Design.
In Genesis chapter two God creates the garden and causes it to grow. He creates Adam and Eve and divests his authority to them and commands them to create culture and care for the earth. Some of you may be thinking that work comes after the fall as a distortion of what God wants for us. But the fall is after God himself works, creates, and invites Adam and Eve to do the same. Work is our design.
Of course God wants us to work in ways that bring us fulfillment and that serve his kingdom. But avoiding work or looking forward to a day when work shall be no more is not a part of God’s vision. Revelation depicts the Lord coming to earth, restoring creation, and once again reigning in the new Jerusalem. God is still at work and so are we in this beautiful restoration picture given to us in his word.
We are designed to work. In one way or another your 90-Day Goal is an opportunity to live into your design and join the Lord in this great restoration mission. Your 90-Day Goal is a practice of work that connects you to your original design as people who colabor with the Lord. May you discover afresh the beauty of your design as a worker.
Please send me your questions, challenges, and suggestions as we continue in the 90-Day Goal Together. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing the journey with you.
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