
90-Day Goal: Day 71: Planning is Indispensable

Will Mancini
March 14, 2021

It’s week 11 as we 90-Day Goal Together.

This week is all about Kelly’s favorite things (I won’t refer to myself in the third person all week). While it might not be as exciting or lucrative as Oprah’s Favorite Things, I do hope we have a little fun as we sail toward the finish line of our 90-Day Goal Together. 

Today’s favorite quote is by President Dwight Eisenhower. As you know, President Eisenhower was a 5-Star General during World War II, credited for planning and leading the invasion of Normany. He was a brilliant strategist that won the respect of not only other military leaders but also the Presidents who succeeded him, the American public, and leaders from all over the globe. 

This quote by President Eisenhower provides clarity for the value of life design and training in the ways of Jesus: “I find when going into battle, plans are useless but planning is indispensable.”

Tip 71: Planning is Indispensable.

While we may not be formally involved in a military battle in our lives, each one of us faces a personal battle at one time or another. It may be a really difficult situation at work, a relationship at home that hurts your heart, a medical diagnosis that scares you, or a financial crunch that brings stress and worry. Battles come in our lives. 

A well-known and often repeated saying is, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” Mostly we get a laugh out of this sentiment, knowing that God doesn’t laugh at our pain or confusion. But it does highlight that we are not in control. 

We may have the most beautiful plan for our lives, a gorgeous Beyond the Horizon Life Map that includes your 90-Day Goal. And we walk it out one day at a time because we cannot anticipate what will come our way. 

Why make a plan if nothing is certain?

As President Eisenhower intimated, planning  has great value to our lives and goals.  There are three values of planning to highlight:

  1. Planning helps us to see our strengths and value our resources. When the battle comes, the process of planning means you have taken inventory of what you can bring to the battle and where you will need to recruit support or help. You won’t waste time and reduce your chances of being injured when you can focus on what you do best and  leverage your most valuable resources as quickly as possible. 
  2. Planning helps us feel confident and secure in the face of chaos. Even if something must change in our short term, planning our long term goals keeps us focused on where we are going and how that may not be impacted by this present challenge. Life planning helps us to stay confident because we know that things change and challenges emerge, but we are secure in our identity and confident that our long term goals remain possible. 
  3. Planning includes becoming both familiar and reconciled to our story. We know how we got here and can see how God showed up to provide for us. When we are in battle we may be confused or unable to see in the present God’s provision. But planning brings us back to previous battles and chapters in our story where we can now see God’s hand over us and spirit with us. 

Life includes battles. Instead of thinking that plans are useless with all the unknown and curveballs we experience, embrace the power of planning. Appreciate the ways that planning trains, gives perspective, and helps us to meet the challenges face on. 

Your 90-Day Goal may be going great or it’s a real struggle. Regardless, the process of planning for your preferred future brings enormous value that may not yet be revealed. Keep it up and get ready to celebrate as we crush your 90-Day Goal Together. 

Please send me your questions, challenges, and suggestions as we continue in the 90-Day Goal Together. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing the journey with you. 

Check out our YouTube playlist with daily videos to help you crush your next personal goal.

Will Mancini

Co-Founder. Will is a pastor who became a full-time vision coach to ministry leaders early in his vocational journey. He loves to design process and tools to produce stunning clarity and break-thru the new normal. He is the founder of Auxano, a nationally based, non-profit church consulting group and the author of Church Unique and God Dreams.