When I lived in California I had the privilege of working at Vanguard University which is one of the Assemblies of God higher education institutions. I had learned about the pentecostal movement in seminary but this was the first time I got to know and do life with people who described themselves as “spirit-empowered.”
As a Presbyterian I was most intimate with the first person of the Trinity, God the Father, whose primary attribute is sovereignty. These friends, however, leaned into the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, whose primary attribute was empowerment.
The pentecostal movement focuses on the spirit of God moving in us as through us. This movement is also associated with the charismatic tradition as one of the six streams of living water flowing from the history of the church as described by Richard Foster in his book, Streams of Living Water.
Tip 81: Live Spirit-Empowered.
Richard Foster says it best, “Frankly, there are no ’noncharismatic Christians’ … the Christian life is by definition a life in and through the Spirit.” This is such a beautiful reminder that the gift of the spirit in Acts 2 is available to each one of us and ready to empower us in our life together.
You may be feeling the need for fuel in your 90-Day Goal. The spiritual fuel of faith is the Spirit in you. Through the Spirit we are able to do far more than we could ever on our own, no matter how hard we work or try. Live the Spirit-Empowered life and crush your 90-Day Goal.
Please send me your questions, challenges, and suggestions as we continue in the 90-Day Goal Together. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing the journey with you.
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