We have arrived at the end of week twelve we can literally see the finish line!
This is a day of rest and reflection as we take a look at the sixth and final stream of living water described by Richard Foster. These spiritual traditions each feature a core characteristic of Jesus and together provide us all the perspective and fuel we need to crush our 90-Day Goal.
This is such a great stream to end with because it points to the invisible presence of God in our physical and visible world. You may be wondering if God is present or you may be enjoying a season of clearly hearing his voice and feeling his presence. Either way, there is an element of our lives that must provide for trust in all we cannot see or fully understand. Welcome to the sacramental tradition.
This tradition is all about having eyes for how God is present in the mundane tasks, material world problems, and activities of our 90-Day Goal. Even if your 90-Day Goal doesn’t seem important or even worth sharing, it is infused with God’s presence in each and every moment. This tradition focuses on how the spirit works in and through our everyday life.
Tip 84: Everyday Alive
Most of us know the word sacrament from our experience at church with baptism and the Lord’s Supper. These are sacraments as they bring the presence of God and his spirit into the ordinary and mundane elements of water, bread and wine. It is the mysterious and wonderful testimony to God’s presence in and through all we are and all we do in this world God created and called good.
Your 90-Day Goal may involve something that doesn’t seem particularly religious. But here is the opportunity to see God everyday alive in your tasks and activities. Each person you meet is an encounter with the living God. As C.S. Lewis says in the Weight of Glory, “You have never talked to a mere mortal.”
Our daily, material lives are infused with the very presence of God. How do you see God showing up in your everyday? How are you everyday alive because of his presence? Use this sacramental stream to appreciate how your 90-Day Goal is bringing you closer to the God you serve and the person he created you to be.
Please send me your questions, challenges, and suggestions as we continue in the 90-Day Goal Together. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing the journey with you.
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