
90-Day Goal: Day 9: Recruit a Key Resource

Will Mancini
January 11, 2021

As we work toward our 90-Day Goal, you might need to put something new into your daily life in order to be successful.  

For example, if you have a goal related to writing then you might need new software in order to make it both easier and more enjoyable. If you have a goal related to exercise then you might need a new set of resistance bands or a subscription to a fitness app. If you have a goal related to your work life, then you might need to earn a new credential or degree in order to advance. 

As you reflect back on week one and launch strong into week two, look at the places where you are losing energy or experiencing frustration. Is there a way to make life easier and therefore more likely you will stick toward the activities needed to reach your goal.

Tip 9: Recruit a Key Resource.

You may need to spend a little money or lean into your team. Evaluate the investment and if it makes sense then get that resource into your life.  Oftentimes we will spend capital in one area (e.g. financial capital) in order to increase it in another area (e.g. physical capital).  This is an expected tradeoff and at this stage of your pursuit of your 90-Day Goal is worth evaluation if you need to recruit a key resource.

Please send me your questions, challenges, and suggestions as we continue in the 90-Day Goal Together. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing the journey with you. 

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Will Mancini

Co-Founder. Will is a pastor who became a full-time vision coach to ministry leaders early in his vocational journey. He loves to design process and tools to produce stunning clarity and break-thru the new normal. He is the founder of Auxano, a nationally based, non-profit church consulting group and the author of Church Unique and God Dreams.