
J2:Session 1

Coach GuideJ2:Session 1


To help participants connect the dots of where they’ve been so far in Journey 1 with where they are about to go in Journey 2.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: The tendency we have as humans is to expand our call to fit our life. What God is asking us to do is to change our life to fit our call.

  • Share the John Scolinos illustration—How wide is home plate? 17”
  • Demonstrate how inscribing the 4 parts of the Younique Vision Frame—LifeCall, LifeCore, LifeSteps and LifeScore helps us define the 17” of our personal home plate.
  • Review the components of the Vision Frame: LifeCall, LifeCore, LifeScore, LifeSteps, LifePlan
  • Differentiate the two Journeys with this analogy: In Journey 1 the Vision Frame was like a mirror to clarify identity. In Journey 2 the Vision Frame serves more as a window to envision the future.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 9

Journey 2 Workbook
Page 3


To ground the experience of Journey 2 in a biblical framework that describes not only the possibility of the end destination but the emotional tension that lies in between now and then.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Most people confuse dreams with fantasy. Dreams are rooted in reality. Fantasies deny reality.

  • Read Jeremiah 29:4-14
  • Set the passage in its context and tell the story behind it.
  • Differentiate between dream and fantasy.
  • Emphasize the fact that God has a dream and a plan for His people and that this Journey we will be working on identifying both of these things.
  • Explain to the participants that this Journey of identifying God’s Dream and plan for our lives will begin and end with a confession – a confession of “what is” (sin—where we are hitting and not hitting the mark).
    and a confession of “what will be” (faith—a plan).
  • Reiterate that a plan is simply a confession of faith. In Journey 2 this confession of faith will be a 3 year LifePlan.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 14

Journey 2 Workbook
Page 4

Coaching Video


To help participants assess and confess how the various domains of their life are going (Personal, Family, Faith, Vocation)—where they are hitting and not hitting the mark.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: We need “brutiful” honesty AND a deep belief that in the end we will win. This is confession and faith.

  • Share the Stockdale Paradox Illustration.
    • From John Collins’ book Good to Great – an interview with Admiral John Stockdale
    • Stockdale was highest ranking military officer captured in Vietnam war, tortured for 20 years
    • Q: How did you survive? A: Never lost sight that I would survive and this would be defining life moment.
    • Q: Who didn’t make it out? A. Optimists who believed we would be out in the short term and as holidays came and went they lost heart.
    • Those that survived embraced the paradoxical reality: the discipline to embrace brutal facts of current reality yet never lost sight that in the end they would win.
    • In the Christian worldview we call this confession (declaring what is) and faith (declaration of what is not but what will be)
  • Walk through the Life Domains Assessment (from Tom Patterson) worksheet with participants, giving examples as you go.

  • Participants have 20 minutes to work through the assessment. (Show them the two example pages in the Participant Guide if they need help)

Context-Specific Tips

  • 1:1 Retreat

    Get an inventory of why the client is here and the questions they are seeking to answer.


Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 12

Journey 2 Workbook
Pages 6-11

Coaching Video