Congratulations for crushing your first week! You are well underway toward your 90-Day Goal. It is not easy to create new ways of doing things, arrange our day, and develop new skills. Pat yourself on the back and enjoy the accomplishment.
Before you rush into the next week, a key to great life design is to pause at the end of the week and take inventory. At Younique we believe that a keystone habit to stay on track is the weekly reflect.
Tip 8: Reflect on Last Week
Assess and evaluate your week and progress toward your 90-Day Goal.
If you are using the Younique Planner or the Younique LifePlan, then you can use the Weekly Reflection Guide provided. You can also download it here.
Reflecting on the last week, take inventory on the following:
- How are you doing toward your 90-Day Goal—behind schedule, on target, ahead of schedule?
- 3 expressions of gratitude, or praises, for the week.
- What are new ideas for approaching next week?
- What do I hear God saying to me?
Once you have taken time to reflect and invite God into your next week through prayer, you can map your upcoming week.
In this practice we look at the upcoming week as a whole, not just today as the first day of the week in our life plan. A week view allows you to:
- Refresh your rhythms to make sure you are getting the fuel and energy you need to keep going.
- Note appointments, obligations, responsibilities on your calendar that you need to plan for. In the video I share the example of a car appointment that will take half a day. How will you adjust your schedule and tasks to stay on target?
- Prioritize! Name the 5 most important tasks for this week. Keep this front and center and make room to get them done as you approach each day.
As you approach week two, take time to evaluate week one. Give thanks for what went well. Use the tips from week one to get back on track as needed—recruit your team, allocate your time and name the win. It’s a great week ahead!
Please send me your questions, challenges, and suggestions as we continue in the 90-Day Goal Together. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing the journey with you.