Participants are able to tell their story succinctly and listen to other participants’ stories for greater clarity in interpreting their own.
BIG IDEA: We will practice Three-Way Listening throughout this journey: 1. To the Holy Spirit for counsel and conviction; 2. To one another for encouragement and insight; and 3. To ourselves for awareness and response.
If participants complete all of the steps at this is where you will begin.
Ask participants to come prepared with Page 11 in their Notebook filled out prior to the session to maximize sharing time.
To help participants see how the core temptations of the enemy are trying to sabotage their narrative, and how the power of the Gospel helps redeem their story.
BIG IDEA: A Life Drift is when we tend to multiply our brokenness by medicating our primary issues with secondary issues, instead of going to the cross with our brokenness.
POTENTIAL PRE-WORK: You may want to utilize the video of this teaching if you’re in the weekly cohort to save time, allowing more time for Life Discovery Grid Sharing.
In identifying key moments in their life where they multiplied brokenness or took it to the cross, participants will take the first step in seeing more breakthrough in the future (identification of patterns in the past is always step #1).
BIG IDEA: Knowing our drift patterns can become transformational. Being a disciple is about recognition and recovery – do we see our brokenness and turn to the cross? Growth happens when the time gap between recognition and recovery decreases.
POTENTIAL PRE-WORK: Life Drifts Video teaching with instructions for Life Drifts Grid can be completed prior to weekly session to maximizing sharing/coaching time.
By sharing and listening to life drifts, we not only step into the opportunity for the healing of some of our wounds, but in the future we learn to apply Gospel truth to situations before we multiply brokenness. In addition, through listening to others, it continues to help us identify drifts that we are not originally able to see for ourselves because of mutual blind spots.
BIG IDEA: Three-Way Listening opportunity: 1. To the Holy Spirit for counsel and conviction; 2. To one another for encouragement and insight; and 3. To ourselves for awareness and response.