To highlight the participant’s natural talent through use of the Strengths Finder Assessment so they may see what they can lean into to build into strengths.
BIG IDEA: Strength = Natural Talent + Knowledge + Skills + Experience. Our natural talents can be unexercised muscles if not combined with the other three ingredients.
Ask participants to read through Strengths Finder Report before this session, highlighting the phrasing and sentences that resonate and placing ?? next to those that don't. This will assist in their preparation for sharing and understanding of teaching.
Identify spiritual leadership gifting and how naming that gifting identifies grace for maximum Kingdom effectiveness.
BIG IDEA: “Everyone’s called to be unique, but no one is called to be independent.”
Ask participants to read through APEST Report before this session, highlighting the phrasing and sentences that resonate and placing ?? next to those that don't. This will assist in their preparation for sharing and understanding of teaching.
Ask participants to read through APEST Report before this session, highlighting the phrasing and sentences that resonate and placing ?? next to those that don't. This will assist in their preparation for sharing and understanding of teaching.
Helping to name the special grace of my life with the lens of three different assessments and how they uniquely come together.
BIG IDEA: This is an opportunity to pause within the Clarity Spiral for interpretation and inscription and to understand how our individual unique qualities work together.
Give time for participants to populate the summary funnel with inventory from all 3 assessments and then pause to interpret how all 3 lenses help them understand their unique ability.
Identifying the vital component of inherent satisfaction.
BIG IDEA: Some of our most “motivated moments” may not be seen or affirmed by others.
Participants get outside input on their abilities from the people they are closest to.
BIG IDEA: This is an opportunity for courageous awareness through brutiful honesty.
This will be completed outside of session time.
This will be completed outside of session time.
Create a reference tool that puts all of their core Ability Circle inventory on one sheet of paper so they have easy access to it.
BIG IDEA: This is an opportunity to pause within the Clarity Spiral for interpretation and inscription regarding what you do the best.
If you introduced the inventory at the start of Ability Circle then it will be completed at this point and then filed under Sweet Spot Tab.