
J1:Session 8

Coach GuideJ1:Session 8


Help participants understand the concepts of LifeCall and LifeCore before they start to unpack it personally.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: When we are clear on our convictions it enables us to move flexibly in the world without compromising.

  • Give the Coconut vs Peach metaphor by Erwin McManus. 
    • Illustration point: When you don’t know what is important to you, you won’t let go of anything for fear that it may be important eventually. This makes for a hard exterior (what people get from you) and a soft, uncertain interior (what you deal with internally).
  • If LifeCall is who you are and what you’re called to do, LifeCore is the deepest motivations or values that guide your behavior. 
  • LifeCall is what you can’t help but do and LifeCore is what you can’t live without. Together they are the support beams of your Personal Vision Frame.
  • “If you don’t know who you are called to be you will be whatever people pay you to be.” – Dave Rhodes.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapters 10 and 11

Journey 1 Workbook
Page 79

Coaching Video


Turn Inventory and Interpretation into Inscription around the LifeCore statement of the personal Vision Frame.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Your values are what you love about what you love.

  • Pause to pray before beginning this exercise. It is often the hardest part of the whole journey.
  • Have everyone pull out the following tools for easy access:
    • Life Discovery Grid
    • Life Drifts Grid
    • Passion Circle Inventory
    • Ability Circle Inventory
    • Context Circle Inventory (if you have completed this circle in the delivery schedule you have chosen)
  • Invite one participant to populate their funnel step by step in front of the group, as you prompt them, as a helpful example. You will want to use a whiteboard that it visible to the entire group.
  • At the same time, have each participant complete their own LifeCore Funnel in their workbook.
  • Funnel Population Components:
    1. Name Meanings – from Passion Circle Inventory
    2. Chapter titles & dates – from Life Discovery Grid
    3. Life lies & truth – from Life Drifts Grid
    4. Personality (colors & titles) – Ability Circle Inventory
    5. Things that offend most – Passion Circle Inventory
    6. Passions/Burdens from Passion Circle Inventory
  • Here are a few questions that may help unearth underlying motivators:
    • What are three biggest pain points in your life? What came out on the other side of them and why is that important to you?
    • What motivates you most deeply?
    • Who are you when you are at your best?
    • What convictions to you see appear consistently?
    • What is always true about you no mater what you are doing, where you are and who you are with?
  • Mine out at least two LifeCore values with your volunteer participant in front of the rest of the group to demonstrate to others how they can mine out their own LifeCore statements
    • Bring themes into the 4 boxes at the bottom of the funnel based on inventory and answers to above questions.
    • Ask volunteer participant if there is anything missing from what is represented in boxes.
    • Begin word smithing into One Word, Two Word or Short Phrase.
    • Find rhythms and cadence that is consistent.
    • Ask if this stirs excitement, meaning and passion.
  • You will not most likely not be able to complete all 4 values in session. Try to get to 2 that are 60-80% articulated.

Context-Specific Tips

  • Weekly Cohort

    Prior to this session, ask for one volunteer ahead of time. You may have a sense of who will be able to process aloud well or someone the Spirit of God nudges you to ask.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 11

Journey 1 Workbook
Pages 80-85

Coaching Video


Help participants mine out and articulate the most important values and motivations that answer the big “why” question of their life.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Your values aren’t what you do; your values are what characterize everything you do – the WHY that reveals the WHO in all that you do.

  • Explain to participants the three different forms that a LifeCore can take. Let them know they will have a few hours out of session to work through it on their own. 
    • 1 word
    • 2 words
    • Short phrase
  • Explain how the “because statements” and the “demonstrated by” statements
    work to make the value unique. 

    • Because statement: the “why behind their why”, helping bring further language to why that value is important to them.
    • Demonstrated by: answers how value plays out and takes shape in the everyday of life. This is a helpful but not crucial component to the LifeCore articulation.
  • Offer examples for further guidance from the examples in the workbook and your own.
  • Have participants record their final or “best I can say it today” articulation onto the Vision Frame Reporting Sheet in preparation for sharing with the group.

Context-Specific Tips

  • Accelerator

    This is one of the crucial times table coaches will be needed.

  • Weekly Cohort

    If you’re doing this on a week-to-week journey, carve some time out in your schedule to meet individually with people in your cohort.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 11

Journey 1 Workbook
Pages 82-85

The Younique Experience Notebook
Page 19

Coaching Video