
J2:Session 10

Coach GuideJ2:Session 10


To help participants have a more concrete understanding of what the Midground Horizon is and how it brings radical singularity and inspiration to the LifePlan.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: “Your LifeCall tells you succinctly what you’re supposed to be doing always. Your 90 Day Goal tells you succinctly what you’re supposed to be doing now…It is enough time for an individual to accomplish something truly significant.” – Will Mancini

  • Define the Midground Horizon: a singular emphasis stated as both a quantitative and qualitative goal to be accomplished in the next 90 days.
  • Use S.M.A.R.T. to bring specifics to that definition: S = Specific, M = Measurable, A = Achievable, R = Relevant, T= Time sensitive.
  • Explain the power of having 1 goal to focus on over the next 90 days.
  • Use The Four Disciplines of Execution diagram to talk through the tension between the Urgent and the Important in our lives.
  • Refer to The Four Disciplines of Execution video—which states that the fewer goals a person has at one time, the more likely he or she is to accomplish them.
  • Inform the group of the multitude of resources that are beginning to testify to the power of living life 90 days at a time.
  • Remind the group of the way our seasons remind us of a similar reality.

Context-Specific Tips

  • Accelerator

    The most strategic 90 Day Goal a participant may have coming out of an Accelerator is to firm up and complete all of the tools within the Younique Full Experience so that they have a strong, complete foundation to build upon as they design their life into the future.

  • Weekly Cohort

    You can give the Four Disciplines of Execution Video ahead of time for participants to watch prior to this session.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 17

Journey 2 Workbook
Pages 79-82

The Younique Experience Notebook
Page 27

Coaching Video


To help participants identify and declare their first 90 day goal.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Your 90 Day Goal is the “focus” component of your LifePlan that keeps your attention on something strategically important that will help you reach the destination you’re dreaming of.

  • Use the Midground Horizon worksheet to help participants get the picture of funneling their ideas of what is most important over the next 90 days down to one 90 day goal.
  • Encourage participants to brainstorm at least six different possibilities for their one, 90 day goal within the funnel.
  • Reference your personal 90 day goal and the various examples in their Participant Guide to help get the participants started.
  • Give participants 10 minutes to identify the one goal for their first 90 days.
  • Invite participants to share their 90 day goals with their group.

Context-Specific Tips

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 18

Journey 2 Workbook
Pages 80-82

The Younique Experience Notebook
Page 27

Coaching Video


To help participants have a more concrete understanding of what the Foreground Horizon is and how it integrates “weekly Action Steps” for each of their Storylines into their LifePlan for the purpose of wholistic living.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: The regular rhythms you step into, in every area of your life, create potential for lasting change AND progress.

  • Define the Foreground Horizon: 4 specific Action Steps that will help you focus on gaining or taking ground in each Storyline of your life, advancing toward the 90 Day destination while gaining traction in areas of life that need it.
  • Demonstrate the link between the 4 “weekly Action Steps” and the 4 Storylines of the participants LifeScore.
  • Explain that each of these “weekly Action Steps” continue for 90 days and then after 90 days are replaced with new “weekly Action Steps”.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 18

Journey 2 Workbook
Pages 83-86

The Younique Experience Notebook
Pages 27-28

Coaching Video


To help participants identify their actions steps over the next 90 days, the rhythms necessary to accomplish it and the practice of doing it so they can do it on their own in the future.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: NOW Rhythms help you align the hopes of tomorrow with the present needs of today.

  • Have participants take out the LifeSteps Worksheet (pg 57) from their Notebook.
  • Instruct participants to now evolve their LifeSteps focuses, declared a few sessions ago, into Action Steps and then add a Rhythm to this regular action over the next 90 days.
  • Encourage participants to think through how their 4 “weekly Action Steps” relate to their 90 day goal (remember each Action Step may have a direct or indirect relation to the 90 day goal).
  • Give opportunity for participants to share their 4 Weekly Action Steps with the group.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 18

Journey 2 Workbook
Pages 83-86

The Younique Experience Notebook
Pages 27-28

Coaching Video