
1:1 Retreat: Day 1

Coach Guide1:1 Retreat1:1 Retreat: Day 1


To help participants integrate and consolidate the completion of Journey 1 and Journey 2 onto one piece of paper.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Your LifePlan Snapshot articulates stunning clarity on one piece of paper.

  • Instruct participants to consolidate their Younique Vision Frame with their Life Horizon Storyline into one master template known as their LifePlan Snapshot.
  • Demonstrate to the participants how this LifePlan Snapshot brings all of Journey 1 and Journey 2 down to one piece of paper that they keep in front of themselves at all times.

Context-Specific Tips

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 19

Journey 2 Notebook
Pages 89-91

The Younique Experience Notebook
Page 29


To reveal important patterns in a participant’s life by stimulating awareness and connection of significant life events and relationships. To initiate the journey of learning to understand their life story.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: If you don’t interpret your story, your past will determine your future. If you DO interpret your story, your past can fuel your future.

  • Bring the age range over to the Life Discovery Grid, initially serving in each of the top boxes to designate the four different chapters of their life
  • Have participants fill out a draft of the Life Discovery Grid by filling out 2-5 bullet points in each square of the grid (examples, instructions and questions also available in the Participant Guide).
  • Once the grid is complete, participants go back and name each of the chapters in a way that feels significant to each chapter.
  • Give space for people to quietly reflect on God’s hand in their life as they think through the Life Discovery Grid questions. 
  • After they’ve evaluated their 4 chapters, have them guess, “In light of what you’ve seen in your past, what do you think the next chapter of life will look like?”

Context-Specific Tips

  • Accelerator

    PRE-WORK: Send instructions to complete this prior to ACC using Step 2.

  • Weekly Cohort

    This work will begin in session and be completed on their own during the week. This tool will take time and reflection.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 5

Journey 1 Workbook
Pages 24-32

The Younique Experience Notebook
Pages 10-11

Coaching Video


To create a reference tool that puts all of the participant's core Passion Circle inventory on one sheet of paper so they have easy access to it.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: “Gifting connects our lives to God’s power. Passions direct our lives with God’s precision.” – Dave Rhodes

  • Have participants look through their work from all of the Passion Circle tools.
  • Using their notes, have participants hone in on each of the answers the Passion Circle Inventory Worksheet is requesting.
  • Communicate that having this inventory on one sheet of paper will be very helpful as they continue in the process.
  • After they’ve filled out the Passion Circle Inventory, they need to file it under the ‘Sweet Spot” tab in Notebook.

Context-Specific Tips

  • Accelerator

    If you introduced the inventory at the start of Passion Circle then it will be completed at this point and then filed under Sweet Spot Tab.

Where to Find This Tool



The Younique Experience Notebook
Page 13

Coaching Video


Have participants identify and distinguish between their interest, passions and burdens.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Passion is conviction that becomes contagious because it withstands the test of pain.

  • Give participants 10 minutes to answer the questions in the funnel, in a brainstorm manner, asking them to think through the things they are interested in, passionate about and burdened by.
  • This is not an exhaustive list but enough that helps them narrow down to 5 words/themes at the bottom of the funnel.

Context-Specific Tips

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 5

Journey 1 Notebook
Page 43


Create a reference tool that puts all of their core Ability Circle inventory on one sheet of paper so they have easy access to it.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: This is an opportunity to pause within the Clarity Spiral for interpretation and inscription regarding what you do the best.

  • Have participants go through their work from previous sessions related to their Abilities.
  • Using their notes, have participants hone in on each of the answers the Ability Circle Inventory Worksheet is requesting.


Context-Specific Tips

  • Accelerator

    If you introduced the inventory at the start of Ability Circle then it will be completed at this point and then filed under Sweet Spot Tab.

Where to Find This Tool



The Younique Experience Notebook
Pages 14-15


Helping to name the special grace of my life with the lens of three different assessments and how they uniquely come together.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: This is an opportunity to pause within the Clarity Spiral for interpretation and inscription and to understand how our individual unique qualities work together.

Give time for participants to populate the summary funnel with inventory from all 3 assessments and then pause to interpret how all 3 lenses help them understand their unique ability.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 6

Journey 1 Workbook
Page 74

Coaching Video


Identifying the vital component of inherent satisfaction.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Some of our most “motivated moments” may not be seen or affirmed by others.

  • Have participants highlight 5 accomplishments in their life that were not based on reward or recognition but simply how satisfied they felt in that accomplishment.

Context-Specific Tips

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 6

Journey 1 Workbook
Page 75


Create a reference tool that puts all of their core Context Circle inventory on one sheet of paper so they have easy access to it.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: This is an opportunity to pause within the Clarity Spiral for interpretation and inscription regarding the best environments for your life’s greatest impact.

  • Have participants go through their work from this session related to Context.
  • Using their notes, have participants hone in on each of the answers the Context Circle Inventory Worksheet is requesting.

Context-Specific Tips

  • Accelerator

    If you introduced the inventory at the start of Context Circle then it will be completed at this point and then filed under Sweet Spot Tab.

Where to Find This Tool



The Younique Experience Notebook
Page 16


Giving Biblical context to persons and places of peace as we see patterned by Jesus in the Gospels.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Our God is a sending God and we are uniquely positioned to be sent by Him to engage with particular people and places.

  • Have participants answer each of the 4 questions – both descriptions and specifics.
    • Who Brings Out My Best?: These are the people that are our best match, who sharpen us and offer life-giving relationships.
    • To Whom Should I Give My Best?: These are the people we are uniquely wired to invest in based on our story, design and calling. People that are ready to receive our investment. People of Peace.
    • What Place Needs My Best?: These are the places that we are drawn to invest in based on calling, circumstances, and connection. Places that are in need of and can receive our greatest impact.
    • What Place Brings out My Best?: Where do you go for refreshment? Is it the place that receives your contribution or is it different? Do you regularly seek to “withdraw” to those places?

Context-Specific Tips

  • Weekly Cohort

    This is the tool that will most likely bring the most breakthrough within the Context circle. If you want to maximize the opportunity for sharing and coaching you can use the teaching video as preparation prior to the weekly session. Have participants fill out the tool and come ready to share.

Where to Find This Tool



Journey 1 Workbook
Page 94

Coaching Video


Ranking common workplace activators and places of “unfair advantage”.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: We each have different contexts where we excel and thrive.

Remember, quick blink answers will be most accurate in this circle.
Have participants look at the lists one at a time. For each list, consider the three options and list them in the boxes in rank order from 1 to 3, from greatest to least resonance.

  • Have participants rank from 1 to 3 both what gets them going most each day and where they excel the most relative to others.


Context-Specific Tips

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 7

Journey 1 Workbook
Page 95

Coaching Video


Bring the Passion, Ability and Context Circles together as we begin to name the Sweet Spot.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: There are many things you can do. What is the one thing you MUST do that only YOU can do? 

  • Demonstrate the overlap of the three circles and where they come together to form the Sweet Spot – this is where the shape of the tools comes from.
  • There are three ways to name your Sweet Spot in this tool.
    • First is the Signature Scripture which is a verse that has long held significance for the participant OR one that encapsulates well the overarching theme of their sweet spot.
    • Second, participants will take 4 big ideas that they synthesize from each of the 3 Circle inventories to create one long run-on sentence.
    • Lastly, are the Two Words that express their LifeCall. The work of mining out their two words is what comes next.

Context-Specific Tips

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 8

Journey 1 Workbook
Pages 101-102

The Younique Experience Workbook
Page 17

Coaching Video