To help participants integrate and consolidate the completion of Journey 1 and Journey 2 onto one piece of paper.
BIG IDEA: Your LifePlan Snapshot articulates stunning clarity on one piece of paper.
To reveal important patterns in a participant’s life by stimulating awareness and connection of significant life events and relationships. To initiate the journey of learning to understand their life story.
BIG IDEA: If you don’t interpret your story, your past will determine your future. If you DO interpret your story, your past can fuel your future.
PRE-WORK: Send instructions to complete this prior to ACC using Step 2.
VIEWThis work will begin in session and be completed on their own during the week. This tool will take time and reflection.
To create a reference tool that puts all of the participant's core Passion Circle inventory on one sheet of paper so they have easy access to it.
BIG IDEA: “Gifting connects our lives to God’s power. Passions direct our lives with God’s precision.” – Dave Rhodes
If you introduced the inventory at the start of Passion Circle then it will be completed at this point and then filed under Sweet Spot Tab.
Have participants identify and distinguish between their interest, passions and burdens.
BIG IDEA: Passion is conviction that becomes contagious because it withstands the test of pain.
Create a reference tool that puts all of their core Ability Circle inventory on one sheet of paper so they have easy access to it.
BIG IDEA: This is an opportunity to pause within the Clarity Spiral for interpretation and inscription regarding what you do the best.
If you introduced the inventory at the start of Ability Circle then it will be completed at this point and then filed under Sweet Spot Tab.
Helping to name the special grace of my life with the lens of three different assessments and how they uniquely come together.
BIG IDEA: This is an opportunity to pause within the Clarity Spiral for interpretation and inscription and to understand how our individual unique qualities work together.
Give time for participants to populate the summary funnel with inventory from all 3 assessments and then pause to interpret how all 3 lenses help them understand their unique ability.
Identifying the vital component of inherent satisfaction.
BIG IDEA: Some of our most “motivated moments” may not be seen or affirmed by others.
Create a reference tool that puts all of their core Context Circle inventory on one sheet of paper so they have easy access to it.
BIG IDEA: This is an opportunity to pause within the Clarity Spiral for interpretation and inscription regarding the best environments for your life’s greatest impact.
If you introduced the inventory at the start of Context Circle then it will be completed at this point and then filed under Sweet Spot Tab.
Giving Biblical context to persons and places of peace as we see patterned by Jesus in the Gospels.
BIG IDEA: Our God is a sending God and we are uniquely positioned to be sent by Him to engage with particular people and places.
This is the tool that will most likely bring the most breakthrough within the Context circle. If you want to maximize the opportunity for sharing and coaching you can use the teaching video as preparation prior to the weekly session. Have participants fill out the tool and come ready to share.
Ranking common workplace activators and places of “unfair advantage”.
BIG IDEA: We each have different contexts where we excel and thrive.
Remember, quick blink answers will be most accurate in this circle.
Have participants look at the lists one at a time. For each list, consider the three options and list them in the boxes in rank order from 1 to 3, from greatest to least resonance.
Bring the Passion, Ability and Context Circles together as we begin to name the Sweet Spot.
BIG IDEA: There are many things you can do. What is the one thing you MUST do that only YOU can do?