Have participants identify and distinguish between their interest, passions and burdens.
BIG IDEA: Passion is conviction that becomes contagious because it withstands the test of pain.
Declaring a holy discontent with 4 things that frustrate participants most.
BIG IDEA: What offends you most will most likely be an “opposite indicator” of what you value most.
Participants get outside input on what they are most passionate about from the people they are closest to.
BIG IDEA: Are your passions evident to those who know you?
This can be included in pre-work instructions as well so participants have feedback in hand when working through Passion Circle in ACC.
This exercise can be done as homework outside of cohort session.
Offers a long range perspective on current or desired trajectory of a participant’s most desired contribution to the world.
BIG IDEA: Your contribution is discovered as you discover God’s dream for you and design your life accordingly.
To create a reference tool that puts all of the participant's core Passion Circle inventory on one sheet of paper so they have easy access to it.
BIG IDEA: “Gifting connects our lives to God’s power. Passions direct our lives with God’s precision.” – Dave Rhodes
If you introduced the inventory at the start of Passion Circle then it will be completed at this point and then filed under Sweet Spot Tab.