To give an overview of the three component pieces to helping someone find their sweet spot of calling (Passion, Ability, Context), setting a trajectory for the rest of Journey 1.
BIG IDEA: “The goal of discipleship is to be like Jesus if he were you – with your family, community, 9 to 5, circumstances, strengths and limitations” – Dallas Willard.
To give an overview of the various components that will contribute to their Passion Circle, allowing them to see the steps they are about to take and how it connects to the whole.
BIG IDEA: Every passion can be found somewhere, at some point in your story. You don’t randomly get a passion.
Have participants pull out Passion Circle Inventory sheet from their Younique Experience Notebook to record summary content from the tools within Passion Circle as they complete each one.
Help participants map out the high points and hard times over the course of their life in a visual manner, while beginning the process of breaking down their narrative into chapters.
BIG IDEA: If you don’t interpret your story, your past will determine your future. If you DO interpret your story, your past can fuel your future.
PRE-WORK: Send instructions to complete this prior to ACC with Step 2.
VIEWTo reveal important patterns in a participant’s life by stimulating awareness and connection of significant life events and relationships. To initiate the journey of learning to understand their life story.
BIG IDEA: If you don’t interpret your story, your past will determine your future. If you DO interpret your story, your past can fuel your future.
PRE-WORK: Send instructions to complete this prior to ACC using Step 2.
VIEWThis work will begin in session and be completed on their own during the week. This tool will take time and reflection.
Participants are able to tell their story succinctly and listen to other participants’ stories for greater clarity in interpreting their own.
BIG IDEA: We will practice Three-Way Listening throughout this journey: 1. To the Holy Spirit for counsel and conviction; 2. To one another for encouragement and insight; and 3. To ourselves for awareness and response.
If participants complete all of the steps at this is where you will begin.
Ask participants to come prepared with Page 11 in their Notebook filled out prior to the session to maximize sharing time.
To help participants see how the core temptations of the enemy are trying to sabotage their narrative, and how the power of the Gospel helps redeem their story.
BIG IDEA: A Life Drift is when we tend to multiply our brokenness by medicating our primary issues with secondary issues, instead of going to the cross with our brokenness.
POTENTIAL PRE-WORK: You may want to utilize the video of this teaching if you’re in the weekly cohort to save time, allowing more time for Life Discovery Grid Sharing.
In identifying key moments in their life where they multiplied brokenness or took it to the cross, participants will take the first step in seeing more breakthrough in the future (identification of patterns in the past is always step #1).
BIG IDEA: Knowing our drift patterns can become transformational. Being a disciple is about recognition and recovery – do we see our brokenness and turn to the cross? Growth happens when the time gap between recognition and recovery decreases.
POTENTIAL PRE-WORK: Life Drifts Video teaching with instructions for Life Drifts Grid can be completed prior to weekly session to maximizing sharing/coaching time.
By sharing and listening to life drifts, we not only step into the opportunity for the healing of some of our wounds, but in the future we learn to apply Gospel truth to situations before we multiply brokenness. In addition, through listening to others, it continues to help us identify drifts that we are not originally able to see for ourselves because of mutual blind spots.
BIG IDEA: Three-Way Listening opportunity: 1. To the Holy Spirit for counsel and conviction; 2. To one another for encouragement and insight; and 3. To ourselves for awareness and response.
Have participants identify and distinguish between their interest, passions and burdens.
BIG IDEA: Passion is conviction that becomes contagious because it withstands the test of pain.
Declaring a holy discontent with 4 things that frustrate participants most.
BIG IDEA: What offends you most will most likely be an “opposite indicator” of what you value most.
Participants get outside input on what they are most passionate about from the people they are closest to.
BIG IDEA: Are your passions evident to those who know you?
This can be included in pre-work instructions as well so participants have feedback in hand when working through Passion Circle in ACC.
This exercise can be done as homework outside of cohort session.
Offers a long range perspective on current or desired trajectory of a participant’s most desired contribution to the world.
BIG IDEA: Your contribution is discovered as you discover God’s dream for you and design your life accordingly.
To create a reference tool that puts all of the participant's core Passion Circle inventory on one sheet of paper so they have easy access to it.
BIG IDEA: “Gifting connects our lives to God’s power. Passions direct our lives with God’s precision.” – Dave Rhodes
If you introduced the inventory at the start of Passion Circle then it will be completed at this point and then filed under Sweet Spot Tab.
Create a reference tool that puts all of their core Ability Circle inventory on one sheet of paper so they have easy access to it.
BIG IDEA: This is an opportunity to pause within the Clarity Spiral for interpretation and inscription regarding what you do the best.
If you introduced the inventory at the start of Ability Circle then it will be completed at this point and then filed under Sweet Spot Tab.
Because so much of our life and purpose is connected to our name and what we’re called, we need to more fully understand names that we’ve been given, and names we need to let go.
BIG IDEA: “When we learn to name reality, we release the power to change it. When I name it, I can change it.”
Do an inventory and analysis of names participants have been called, good and bad, and spoken over them, so they can better understand the forces shaping them.
BIG IDEA: When I name it I can change it. Names sometimes have positive impact and other times negative.
For those in the weekly cohort, often we will begin this process in the session, but it will stretch outside of it. 10 minutes in session and 30 minutes outside.
Help participants see how their various names are playing out in real time, even if they didn’t know, while also giving them a window of insight into who God has uniquely created them to be.
BIG IDEA: Understanding the meaning of our given name leaves room for God to speak and can offer insight into our identity.
Further investigation as homework during the week will most likely be needed.
Help participants have a deeper understanding of themselves and how their personality and preferences influence their approach to life, work and relationships - the natural ways they navigate the world around them. These are helpful descriptions that contribute to naming, NOT labels.
BIG IDEA: A personality assessment can help describe us NOT define us. Insights describes HOW you like to work and interact in the world.
Ask participants to read through Insights Report before this session, highlighting the phrasing and sentences that resonate and placing ?? next to those that don't. This will assist in their preparation for sharing and understanding of teaching.
Ask participants to read through Insights Report before this session, highlighting the phrasing and sentences that resonate and placing ?? next to those that don't. This will assist in their preparation for sharing and understanding of teaching.
Allow people to share the highlights after having processed and internalized some of the insights gained from their preference report.
BIG IDEA: Three-Way Listening opportunity: 1. To the Holy Spirit for counsel and conviction; 2. To one another for encouragement and insight; and 3. To ourselves for awareness and response.
To highlight the participant’s natural talent through use of the Strengths Finder Assessment so they may see what they can lean into to build into strengths.
BIG IDEA: Strength = Natural Talent + Knowledge + Skills + Experience. Our natural talents can be unexercised muscles if not combined with the other three ingredients.
Ask participants to read through Strengths Finder Report before this session, highlighting the phrasing and sentences that resonate and placing ?? next to those that don't. This will assist in their preparation for sharing and understanding of teaching.
Identify spiritual leadership gifting and how naming that gifting identifies grace for maximum Kingdom effectiveness.
BIG IDEA: “Everyone’s called to be unique, but no one is called to be independent.”
Ask participants to read through APEST Report before this session, highlighting the phrasing and sentences that resonate and placing ?? next to those that don't. This will assist in their preparation for sharing and understanding of teaching.
Ask participants to read through APEST Report before this session, highlighting the phrasing and sentences that resonate and placing ?? next to those that don't. This will assist in their preparation for sharing and understanding of teaching.
Helping to name the special grace of my life with the lens of three different assessments and how they uniquely come together.
BIG IDEA: This is an opportunity to pause within the Clarity Spiral for interpretation and inscription and to understand how our individual unique qualities work together.
Give time for participants to populate the summary funnel with inventory from all 3 assessments and then pause to interpret how all 3 lenses help them understand their unique ability.
Identifying the vital component of inherent satisfaction.
BIG IDEA: Some of our most “motivated moments” may not be seen or affirmed by others.
Participants get outside input on their abilities from the people they are closest to.
BIG IDEA: This is an opportunity for courageous awareness through brutiful honesty.
This will be completed outside of session time.
This will be completed outside of session time.
Create a reference tool that puts all of their core Ability Circle inventory on one sheet of paper so they have easy access to it.
BIG IDEA: This is an opportunity to pause within the Clarity Spiral for interpretation and inscription regarding what you do the best.
If you introduced the inventory at the start of Ability Circle then it will be completed at this point and then filed under Sweet Spot Tab.
Give an overview of what the Context Circle is about and the practical components participants will walk through to understand their context in answering the question, “Where is my Impact the Greatest?”
BIG IDEA: Context is often responsible for a person’s discontent because they may be operating outside of their best context.
Have participants pull out Context Circle Inventory sheet from their Younique Experience Notebook to record summary content from the tools within the Context Circle as they complete each one.
Giving Biblical context to persons and places of peace as we see patterned by Jesus in the Gospels.
BIG IDEA: Our God is a sending God and we are uniquely positioned to be sent by Him to engage with particular people and places.
This is the tool that will most likely bring the most breakthrough within the Context circle. If you want to maximize the opportunity for sharing and coaching you can use the teaching video as preparation prior to the weekly session. Have participants fill out the tool and come ready to share.
Ranking common workplace activators and places of “unfair advantage”.
BIG IDEA: We each have different contexts where we excel and thrive.
Remember, quick blink answers will be most accurate in this circle.
Have participants look at the lists one at a time. For each list, consider the three options and list them in the boxes in rank order from 1 to 3, from greatest to least resonance.
Narrowing down to five things that provide the most motivation in the workplace.
Remember, quick blink answers will be most accurate in this circle.
Determining the work style that is most natural and preferred.
Remember, quick blink answers will be most accurate in this circle.
Recognizing the variations in organizational structures and highlighting preferences.
Remember, quick blink answers will be most accurate in this circle.
Emphasizing the benefits of understanding and navigating through life stages.
BIG IDEA: Life Stage Awareness frees us for greatest impact in every stage of life.
Create a reference tool that puts all of their core Context Circle inventory on one sheet of paper so they have easy access to it.
BIG IDEA: This is an opportunity to pause within the Clarity Spiral for interpretation and inscription regarding the best environments for your life’s greatest impact.
If you introduced the inventory at the start of Context Circle then it will be completed at this point and then filed under Sweet Spot Tab.
Bring the Passion, Ability and Context Circles together as we begin to name the Sweet Spot.
BIG IDEA: There are many things you can do. What is the one thing you MUST do that only YOU can do?
To express what they are doing when they are doing everything else, in two words; the one thing they must do.
BIG IDEA: What is the ONE thing you must do?
There are two different ways you can have participants complete the Two Word Worksheet:
1. Introduced early on in Journey 1 it can be a gradual population of expressing their LifeCall as they are in process of understanding their Sweet Spot. (Common practice for Accelerators)
2. After all 3 Circles are completed and Sweet Spot inventory is already populated creating a large language bank to pull from. (Common practice for Weekly Cohort)
Demonstrate the structure of their two word pairing as __(verb)__ing __noun___.
Objective is 100-200 word pairings. Quantity leaves room for creativity and clarity without disclaimers.
60% clarity is the goal at this point.
This is something that is often introduced at an earlier point in the Accelerator process and is worked on in intervals prior to this focused time of finishing.
In a weekly cohort 20 minutes can be used in session and then completed out of session.
To see their Two Word Calling as the unique way they live out the common call we all have as followers of Jesus - to love God and love others.
BIG IDEA: Sweet spot helps you find the one thing-singularity of your SPECIAL calling, without being too general or too specific.